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No partner * Walking to Music

Square dancing = Fun & Friendship

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Friendly People:
You'll meet people from all walks of life and make lots of new friends.
Square dancers are some of the nicest people around.
Intellectually Challenging:
Square dancing provides a way to sharpen your mind, improve your
memory, and keep you cognitively fit.
What Square Dancing Actually Is:
Square dancing is actually choreographed walking.  If you can keep the
square moving and get back to your home spot, it's the experience of a
shared triumph.
Exercise That's Fun:
The more time you can spend on your feet and moving, the healthier
you'll be. You can rack up 3000 steps at a class.  It's an outstanding
stress-free workout that you'll be able to do the rest of your life.

Will it be exclusively country music or traditional square dance apparel?

No. Wear the clothing that makes you comfortable. Some people dance

in full skirts and crinolines, others wear shorts and polo shirts. We welcome

everyone! We dance to a wide variety of music, mostly pop, so you are apt

to hear some favorites in each class!


It seems like there are a lot of women. How is this going to work?

When the class is not balanced in terms of men and women, lots of women

elect to dance on the left side. It is really not too different and it is fun no

matter which position you are dancing. The great thing about square dancing is it is just walking to music. No rhythm or creative choreography needed. The caller tells you exactly what to do. Think of it more like Simon Says!


​​Do I need a partner?

Nope! Lots of people come on their own, others come with a spouse, and

still others bring a friend or two. You will find the people in your class will

become friends very quickly and everyone dances with everyone else.



If you have any other questions we did not anticipate,feel free to contact us at!



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