A great way to exercise
your body and mind!
Serving Metro Chicago, Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and
Will Counties in Illinois

Make Square Dancing part of your day!
​Good for your heart. Good for your mind. Lots of fun!
Hello, and welcome to the wild world of Square Dancing! UCanSquareDance supports Square Dancing in the greater Chicagoland area, including Cook, Dupage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will counties in Illinois. You’ve come to the right spot to discover Square Dance events near you.

Looking for an entertaining date night activity? Want to enjoy dancing, even if you don’t always know your right from your left? Wondering about fun exercise classes that can lead you to new friends, fitness and some occasionally crazy endeavors? Has your empty-nester status left you with time to fill?
SQUARE DANCING could be your answer.
Square Dancing is essentially a team dance effort, in which sets of eight people perform sequences of moves given out on the spot by a caller – for example, “Circle left, dosido your partner, allemande left your corner, grand right & left.”
People take lessons to learn the moves for each call. But during the Square Dance, it’s the caller who calls the shots, so to speak. Think “Simon Says” for adults. Fun, spontaneous, teamwork set to music in an alcohol-free setting.
Come as a couple or a single and give Square Dancing a whirl!
Modern Square Dancing

Square dancers celebrate a ‘family friendly’ hobby
Mar 3, 2024
By Kristin Danley Greiner, Iowa Farmer Today
With roots dating back to the 17th century in England, Ireland and Scotland, American square dance remained popular throughout the mid-to-late 20th century and was named the national dance in 1982, according to MasterClass.
click for full article ------------>
click for full article
Square Dancing on WGN TV
Watch area dancers swinging their partner and promenading!
Local club in Arlington Heights celebrates 75 years!
Dancing in the North Shore area in the news!

What to Expect
• Wear comfortable clothes and
• You don't need a dance partner.
​• Bring a water bottle.
• Be prepared to have fun!